Full Service Flat Fee Real Estate Listing Saves Your Equity
Full Service Commission Free Real Estate Listing saves your equity while giving you better service in Denver, Boulder, Ft Collins and Colorado Springs. Find out how our Flat Fee model can save you money.
Home Sellers save thousands while Colorado Flat Fee Realtors handle all the work!
Call Today! 303 300 9660
Colorado Flat Fee Realty offers a new way to sell Real Estate to save you thousands, with lower fees while still providing full Service with Flat Fee Real Estate Listings.
1. This Flat Fee listing program does not include a 1% Buyers Purchase Rebate.
2. Flat Fee applies to the listing end only. Seller can co-op any commission structure they desire with buyers' agent.
There is an additional Administration Fee of $350.00 to pay for 3rd party vendors.
3. See Home Buyer's Down Payment Assistance Program and Financial Help and Tips for First Time Home Buyers, guidance for Renting versus Buying, and the Ten Steps to the Complete Home Buying Process.
Call us today for more info on Flat Fee listings at 303 300 9660 or fill in the contact form to have one of our experienced real estate brokers call you.
Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc. offers Commission Free Real Estate!
Completely transforming how an entire industry does business isn’t something most people have the courage to attempt, and with good reason. Over time, people become comfortable with a certain way of doing things, specifically; they become attached to how they make their money. However, Commission Free Real Estate is challenging that comfort zone by offering a new way to approach real estate that puts clients first.
The current fee structure for real estate brokers in most locations across the country has been in place for almost four decades now and represents a significant amount of money for realtors. In most industry circles, even briefly mentioning the possibility of a more client-focused fee structure or Flat Fee real estate—as in Commission Free Real Estate models—is countered with swift and deafening resistance by the establishment in an effort to quickly silence any chance of change.
A Denver Real Estate Broker Speaks Out
In spite of powerful opposition from the industry establishment, one mouse has roared loudly forging an entirely new path within the Greater Denver real estate market through Commission Free Real Estate. In fact, the mouse did a lot more than just roar. The mouse identified an imbalance entrenched within the marketplace and, in the face of extreme resistance, developed a new way of delivering Commission Free Real Estate services that provide clients with exceptional value and an equitable marketplace focused on the needs of the client.
He is taking it upon himself to redefine the standards of an entire industry and from the mouse that roared has become a superhero in overcoming the opposition of the establishment every step of the way. Three years ago, he recognized the significant economic shift our economy had experienced, and instead of clinging onto what once was, he began building the foundation for a new future by offering low flat fee real estate services in the Denver real estate market and surrounding cities.
A future that is more equitable for consumers by establishing new standards for client service and focusing on unique ingenuity instead of fearing change. His vision does not begin and end in Denver either, he sees a new future for real estate markets across the entire country and fully intends to make his vision a reality by offering flat fee real estate across the USA.
A Real Estate Transformation in Denver Real Estate is Underway
A transformation is underway right now in Colorado; specifically the Greater Denver real estate market due to his efforts. The Denver real estate market is currently one of the strongest property markets in the country, with some homes selling in just a few hours and above the asking price. With this type of activity, a seller can benefit greatly from flat-fee real estate listing programs.
However, the Denver market has not always been this hot. Much like the rest of the country, the Denver real estate market crashed a few years ago causing a huge amount of financial damage. Homeowners could only stand by and watch the value of their homes plummet as all of their hard-earned equity disappeared almost overnight and sellers that were desperate to sell waited as their homes sat on the market for sale for months, many months or worse went into foreclosure because they couldn’t afford a high listing fee on top of a mortgage payoff. At the time reduced rates or flat fee listings were unavailable unless you wanted to risk listing your home as a “for sale by owner”.
The Guiding Light ... A Lonely Path to a Brighter Future for Greater Denver Home Sellers with a flat fee real estate listing and cash back for Buyers.
John Vizzi, Owner and Managing Broker of Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc., despite having built successful realty, mortgage, and title companies over the course of 32 years, experienced the real estate crash right alongside his clients. He did the best he could to help, but huge economic forces were at work throughout many markets across the country, making it very difficult to find good solutions. John quickly realized this crash was different from other market downturns he had seen in recent history. It wasn’t just another real estate bubble that required a moderate price adjustment or “reset” in property values. The Denver real estate collapse was part of an overall economic shift that had taken place across the entire country on almost every level, which first began when the financial markets collapsed in 2008/2009.
John recognized the significant amount of financial damage many families and homeowners endured during this time and realized a certain portion of the damage would not be repaired as it had been in the past. The employment market was much more unstable than it had been in decades, incomes were lower and a “new economic normal” had formed. Upon recognizing things were structurally different for families, and not in a good way, he decided the Denver real estate market needed to change in a big way.
Part of the change was acknowledging that present-day digital technology allows realtors to work more efficiently than they had in the past. This presented an opportunity to provide flat fee listing real estate programs where the client benefits by paying significantly less in listing fees, keeping more money in their pocket.

This prompted John to begin making a difference by changing his own company. He adjusted his listing programs to offer flat fee rates and initiated a cashback incentive to help home buyers as well. Eventually, he renamed the company to Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc. in January 2015 to better reflect how he was doing business. Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc. became the real estate company that would change how real estate transactions are done in Colorado. He decided to offer clients a higher standard of service, reduced fees for sellers, and added other programs to support buyers. In addition to creating an environment where buyers and sellers are rewarded, he also made sure the commission rate remained the same as it always has been for any realtors from outside agencies involved in a transaction; meaning they would not have to take a discount in earnings like John.
John’s new way of doing business was a huge advantage for sellers and buyers while keeping things unchanged for cooperating agents. However, it was met with fierce opposition, as a large portion of the real estate professional establishment grew fearful they would have to cut their listing commission rates in order to remain competitive. Many of his peers were less than thrilled about what he had done and feared it would change the structure that has been in place since at least the early 1980s. They were right it is changing things.
Saving Sellers Thousands and Cash Back to Buyers
The Lebofsky’s saved $35,737.00 when they sold + $6000.00 cash back when they purchased a new home
"With the advent of the internet and all the robust real estate sites, realty has changed. A realtor's current role is that of a lockbox master and sales coordinator. Home buyers use the internet at their leisure to locate their next home. The days of relying on a realtor to market your current home or locate your next home are long gone. The notion of paying huge sums of money to realtors is also long gone.
Enter John Vizzi of Colorado Flat Fee Realty! John realized that based on the current state of real estate - personable, professional service can and should be affordable. In the past, I have paid many times more. Never again. John's services exceeded my expectations in every way and I would recommend him to anyone ...Mike Lebofsky Extremely satisfied customer"
In spite of the opposition from the industry, John Vizzi continued to educate the public on his alternative flat fee real estate programs and has remained vigilant in his commitment to deliver exceptional service, with full traditional realty services that also saved sellers thousands of dollars in fees and reward buyers as well. The standard practice that has been in place for many years is a commission at 6% of the sale price, shared by the buyer’s agent and seller’s agent.
The one variation of this arrangement is a few companies that offer to list a seller’s home for sale for a reduced fee; although, they offer limited services and often far less than what you would receive from a full-service listing broker. They may gain your attention initially with a commission-free promotion to list your home for sale in the MLS system, but it takes far more than this to successfully sell a home and also save thousands.
With the level of complexity involved in real estate transactions, attempting to sell your home on your own because you are seeking a commission-free real estate listing is rarely a good idea. You may save some money initially in fees but not having a real estate professional to ensure everything is done properly may cost you much more in the end.
This is exactly why Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc. has gained so much popularity in the Greater Denver area with hundreds of sellerswho have been taking advantage of his original low flat fee rate and buyers who have benefited from a purchase rebate program over the past three years. Now John is now offering yet another brand new program that truly provides an commission free real estate listing, while still receiving full service and support from a licensed real estate agent with 35+ years of experience.
With the commission-free real estate listing, John will sell your house for free if you buy your next home of greater value through Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc. He can also arrange to get you a free down payment on your new home that you never have to pay back. *
The original flat fee programs and the new commission-free real estate listing program are a true win-win for people who want to sell their home at greatly reduced rates but need the help of a truly experienced professional. Making it even more attractive, Colorado Flat Fee Realty offers buyers cash back at closing as well, regardless of whether you sold a home through them or not. This results in a selling and buying environment that attracts both sellers and buyers with everyone receiving exceptional value and excellent service.
The Voice of Change
If you spent a few minutes talking to John Vizzi, you would quickly realize he is actually not only a smart businessman with a clear vision; but a good person, and certainly not interested in making the real estate market difficult for other realtors. However, he does see the necessity for change even in the current thriving real estate market in Denver. He believes it’s his responsibility to be part of the change that creates a new and brighter future beginning in the Denver real estate market for sellers and buyers, a real estate market that is more equitable and offers clients a higher standard of service.
Industry changes are never easy and they do not happen overnight, but they do require a strong figure with an unwavering commitment to begin the process. John Vizzi has been the lone voice in Denver that is bringing about a huge transformation in the real estate market. A transformation that he believes will be better for not only clients but for real estate professionals as well.
Contact Colorado Flat Fee Realty, Inc to learn more about flat fee or commission free real estate listings and buyers’ free down payment mortgage programs, and cash back incentives.
* Certain restrictions or requirements may apply call for details. Call Today! 303 300 9660